¤ Rhys Fulber o nowej p³ycie FLA... ¤

– "The new FLA album will be called "Civilization" All I will say is its musically and vocally Bill and myself's most inspired work together yet, stylistcally different but still familiar for long time FLA fans. Also the moodiest and most melodic FLA to date. We are very excited about this record."
– "We're still tracking vocals and haven't mixed yet, but we hope to be done before the tour, which is very likely. Metropolis in the US and SPV in Germany are the confirmed labels so far. btw, it sounds nothing like the previous three FLA albums, in fact not much like any one of the FLA albums (there are more slower and moody songs than ever before). i think its our best, but only time will tell."

-- mike [19 lipca 2003]

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